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In Performing Arts children learn to creatively, imaginatively and confidently express themselves through Dance, Drama and Music. 

Through Dance children move their bodies to express ideas imaginatively. They create their own movement and learn about dance from their own and other cultures.

Through Drama they take on roles to explore and depict real and imagined worlds; learning to think, move, speak and act with confidence.

Music learning combines listening, performing and composing activities. These activities help children to develop an understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of music.

The Performing Arts has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all children, excite the imagination and encourage children to reach their creative and expressive potential.

At St Mary MacKillop CPS, children have the opportunity to perform in a variety of contexts including, Assemblies, St Mary MacKillop’s Got Talent Performances, Choir, The St Mary MacKillop Arts Festival  and  the Geelong Music and Movement Festival and other opportunities as they arise.

The children will also be given opportunities to view performances through varies performance incursions linked to other curriculum areas such as Literacy, Wellbeing, Religious Education etc.

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