In the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop, we aspire to create a sense of belonging within our inclusive community. We value respect, compassion and hope, where all are empowered to flourish in an ever-changing world. We foster a healthy relationship with God, providing many opportunities to nurture and celebrate our faith together through liturgy and prayer.
Celebrations throughout the year include:
- Celebration of the Sacraments
- Faith formation evenings for parents and students in preparation for Sacraments
- Scheduled Masses during the school day for the school and parish community to attend
- Feast Day Celebrations
- Grandparent’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day celebrations
- Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent and Holy Week liturgies
- ANZAC and Remembrance liturgies
- Advent and Christmas liturgies
- Month of Mary
- Rosary Month
- Other special days in the Church calendar such as Pentecost and the Assumption of Mary
We acknowledge that our personal journeys in faith differ and are an integral part of how we see and interact with the world. As such, Religious Education at St Mary MacKillop is integrated as much as possible into our Faith Life Inquiry Curriculum.
The model includes a whole school scripture focus which ensures our sacred text is central to learning. This approach allows us to learn about the world whilst applying the lens of faith to our learning. We encourage our learners to ask ‘What does Jesus say about this issue?’ ‘What do we learn from the Bible about this?’ ‘What do the Catholic Social Teachings say?’ ‘What is asked of me?’ and ‘What might my action be?’
Sacramental preparation is taught in the classroom, within the whole class setting. Parents are provided the opportunity to prepare with their children at one evening of faith formation for each of the Sacraments.
We have a strong sense of Social Justice at St Mary MacKillop and hold events during the year to raise awareness and support for causes.
St Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary School is a parish community school. Together with the Parish Priest, we aim to provide rich and relevant experiences that encourage the growth of faith and allow our community to flourish.